he/she was to flimp to go get there unemployment check cashed
a flimp is a person who flimps. they only flimp and that is all they will ever be good for is flimping.
boy: h-llo
girl: what’s up, flimp.
boy: what in the world is a flimp?
girl: you are a flimp!
boy:okay, what is a flimp!
girl: a flimp is a flimp and all they will ever do is flimp.
1. (adj.) cool; awesome.
2. (n.) a boat.
1. those are some flimp jeans you got there.
2. he rowed away on a wooden flimp.
1. fly/ pimp
2.the act of being cool
guy #1: did you see that slam dunk oona made during our basketball game?
guy #2: yeah! she was flimp!
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