Flying Nasty
a wasp, bee or other flying insect that causes annoyance and potential injury.
i was stung by a flying nasty
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- flyside
pulling out of a s-xual partner to -j-c-l-t- on their body surface. (br–sts, b-ttocks, stomach, etc.) “hey, did you do her last night?” “h-ll, yeah! i went flyside.”
- Foehammerr
a player on psn and some pc games who is a great team-player and will risk his k/d to save yours on fpss or co-ops. an excellent marksman but perfers support cl-sses such as the medic. also a vehicle specialist and will transport you where ever needed. most likely found playing moh, cod4, mw2 any […]
- Foote
a group of humans help to a higher standard than the rest of socety. in past generations the foote’s were the ruling cl-sses of at least 100+ countries through out the world. including but not limited to acient greece, rome, egypt, atlantis, atlanta, atlantic city, and china. foote’s today are generally regarded as s-x god’s. […]
- Foreplayer
a) someone who practices the art of picking up but never actually takes someone home. b) someone who engages in s-xual activites with another person but never actually has s-x. “that guy can get so many chicks but never actually follows through with any of them. he’s such a foreplayer!”
- Forest fire rescue
a fun game to play while urinating in a toilet/urinal. where you pretend that your stream of pee is a fire hose and the water in the toilet or urinal is a forest that is on fire. usually more fun when drunk, as most things are. jim: i just drank almost a whole six pack […]