flying toaster
a famous screensaver invented by wes boyd for the macintosh computer, showing a squadron of winged toasters zooming across the stratosphere.
call me old-fashioned, but i still think the flying toaster screensaver is cool.
(n) – a sh-t at work so long in duration that the screensaver on your computer activates while you are gone.
host of meeting: i see everyone from payroll could make it, accounting – where is chris?
accountant: he’s probably taking a flying toaster, he hit the mexican buffet yesterday.
a phrase used by online multiples. mocks the erroneous popular concept that people with multiple personalities have amazing psychic powers and fritz out electronic equipment a lot.
cherryblossom house had a power outage last night. i bet their husband thinks they did it with their flying toaster powers.
f-ck a chick, -j-c-l-t-, hit her in the head with a toaster
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