verb. the act of crying to, for, over, or because of the band fall out boy. the occurrence of sobbing uncontrollably to fob’s music was happening enough that it deserved it’s own word. it is not uncommon to ‘fob’, especially when seeing fob live.
person 1: any fall out boy song is great to make out to, except for ‘what a catch, donnie’, because no one wants to make out while crying.
person 2: you mean no one wants to make out while fobbing? yeah, no kidding.
6 more definitions
verb: listening to fall out boy (fob) repeatedly until -rg-sm is achieved through the eardrums. much like fapping, but instead of lube you have fall out boy’s sound waves, instead of genitalia you are using your eardrums, and in place of the kleenex is your soul.
1: i sat at work sending emails and fobbing for a few hours.
2: man, he sure knows how to have a good time, fobbing like that is quite the luxury.
3: getting drunk and fobbing is the only way to spend a sunday afternoon.
4: grab some mickey’s and come over, fall out boy’s new alb-m dropped, we have some serious fobbing to do.
uncontrollable sobbing over the band, fall out boy
patrick stump: i can’t see me doing fall out boy for a while
girl: -starts fobbing-
onomatopoeic verb to describe a a woman pleasuring herself.
female equivalent of “fapping”
person 1: what’s ali doing in her room?
person 2: probably fobbing.
onomatopoeic verb to describe a woman pleasuring herself.
female equivalent of “fapping”
person 1: what’s ali doing in her room?
person 2: probably fobbing.
a tactical chunder -ssisted by a third party’s p-n-s.
fobbing can be taken beyond just a friendly gesture and into the realms of compet-tion. for example, a fob win would be when the owner of the p-n-s -j-c-l-t-s before the vomitee can vomit. a fob lose is when the vomitee vomits before the p-n-s owner can reach climax. finally, the fob clog can be seen as a draw. in this instance both parties will finish at exactly at the same time. this is the messiest of the possible outcomes.
note: for a fob clog to be allowed, the p-n-s must still be in the throat area.
person 1: yay i just got a fob win!
person 2: -splutter- -wretch-
person 1: hey baby you look like you could use a good fobbing.
the act of simultaneous penetration of a third person (male or female)by two others.
nigel casually remarked to steve as they were fobbing.’d-mn my ends tight, hows yours?’ steve replied, ‘sucking the chrome off a trailer hitch’ as they ‘spit roasted’ big lucy between them.
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