-someone who stays on the f.o.b. (forward operating base)and lives by all the silly little rules that make no sense in a combat zone.
-someone who stays on the f.o.b. the whole deployment and buys all the sh-t at the px.
-the one guy who’s uniforms are the cleanest while in iraq or afganistan
soldier #1-“hey there where is your reflective belt? you need to have it on at night!”
soldier #2-“shut up you d-mn fobit, i actually go out of the wire while you sit behind your desk all day!”
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- fobish
people who are immigrants, especially from asia, who may act trendy, haughty and oblivious, yet may have broken english, a distinct accent, unwaveringly hold their cultural att-tudes and customs, and do not -ssimilate well in the us. orig. “fresh off the boat”, and may be affectionate or may be not. also “fobbish”. she’s so fobish […]
- starlicious
stars that shine bright and look very licious at night. ‘these stars are very starlicious tonight’.
- foking
1. f-cking yourself over while smoking 2. f-cking smoking no foking within a 200 feet of this building. stop f-cking foking! skrillex’s way of spelling “f-cking” that drop made my foking face melt! that wub-wub was foking insane!
- foke oaf
accented version of “f-ck off”, intended to be slightly obscured and containing a hint of sophistication. “ah well, it’s 5 o’clock: time to foke oaf”
- toonie
canadian two dollar coin. derives from combining loonie and “two”. “coffee costs $1.35. if you give me a toonie, i’ll give you 65 cents back.” “got two loonies for this toonie?” 1) somebody whose not from boston (primarily charlestown) who has taken residence there in recent years. 2) a person from outside the greater boston […]