pseudo german for f-cked, it is most effective when spoken with an arnold schwarzenegger accent.
it is rarely used to convey the past tense of having had s-x (unless the s-x was with a german or a person of german descent) and is mostly used to soften or lighten the sense of impending misery or doom or to describe one’s inebriation after drinking german beer. when describing one’s inebriation “up” is usually replaced with “op” as in the example below.
1) kenny is focht if he thinks he can argue his way out of this one.
3) i was so focht op last night i forget where i hid the rest of our money.
1 more definition
a male or female with an unhealthy obsession with intercourse. often is related to b-st–lity fetishes, most commonly with canines.
the prost-tute was known througout the city as a focht.
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