1. more than one ford focus
2. a mult-tude of ford focus’
3. used as plural for focus
check out the foci racing.
that’s a sh-tload of foci.
maybe we can get together and detail our foci.
3 more definitions
stands for “fall off chair in shock”, related to lol and pmpl.
random: damen isnt gay!
kraiz: focis!
random: oh my bad, wrong person. pfft… damen’s a b-tch.
short for {focus}, usually weed, but it can be a term for whatever gets you high. also, it can be a synonym for being high.
yo man you got that foci? yeah man i got you.
man i smoked a blunt of dank. now i’m foci as h-ll.
word used in place of “f-ck” to prevent bad language.
why don’t you go f-ck your man you stupid foci.
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