a player on psn and some pc games who is a great team-player and will risk his k/d to save yours on fpss or co-ops. an excellent marksman but perfers support cl-sses such as the medic. also a vehicle specialist and will transport you where ever needed. most likely found playing moh, cod4, mw2 any battlefield, killzone, killing floor (pc), tf2 and other fps’s.
player:hey man i’m down revive me!
foehammerr: i got you buddy!
-runs through open sp-ce and gun fire to revive-
player: thanks man
foehammerr: no prob.- gets shot-
player: dude i need a lift
foehammerr: im commin’ hang on -flies all the way to back of map to get him-
player: i need to go behin the enemy team
foehammerr:easily done
player: i need some h-llp with points
foehammerr: here take my care package
-player gets chopper gunner-
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- Foote
a group of humans help to a higher standard than the rest of socety. in past generations the foote’s were the ruling cl-sses of at least 100+ countries through out the world. including but not limited to acient greece, rome, egypt, atlantis, atlanta, atlantic city, and china. foote’s today are generally regarded as s-x god’s. […]
- Foreplayer
a) someone who practices the art of picking up but never actually takes someone home. b) someone who engages in s-xual activites with another person but never actually has s-x. “that guy can get so many chicks but never actually follows through with any of them. he’s such a foreplayer!”
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a fun game to play while urinating in a toilet/urinal. where you pretend that your stream of pee is a fire hose and the water in the toilet or urinal is a forest that is on fire. usually more fun when drunk, as most things are. jim: i just drank almost a whole six pack […]
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a status,invented by mexicans named mark,or way of partying, in which you roll with fortys. in other words, when everyone partakes in forty ounce malt liquor beverages. “yo, we’re rollin forty status tonight, the corner store has hurricanes and king cobras for a dolla therty nine”
an acronym used to express extreme amus-m-nt. falling off the chair, rolling on the floor, laughing out loud. an extension of lol and rotflol “that was so funny, i was fotcrotflol”