foggy bottom
1. area of washington dc
2. microbrew
3. sweaty, itchy -ss that accompanies wlking around all day in the hot sun
i was heading down to foggy bottom to have a pint of foggy bottom, but had to return home to clean-up my foggy bottom.
a popular area in washington, dc, home to george washington university. not to be confused with f-ggy bottom, an area in washington, dc near dupont circle!
to get to gwu, take the metro orange line to the foggy bottom station.
to get to f-ggy bottom, take the metro red line to dupont circle.
the act, or condition resulting from the act whereupon, during or after -n-l s-x, the male (or female with a false appendage of any type or variety) removes the p-n-s or other object and wipes any resultant fecal matter onto the b-ttocks of his or her partner, thereupon giving the partner a “foggy bottom”
last night while b-tt-porking suzi, we worked up a good sweat and the sheen off her -ss from the overhead light was giving me a headache, so i gave her a foggy bottom to cut down on the glare.
when you are eating out a girl who has a yeast infection but it is so nasty that you throw up all over her v-g-n-; but proceed to have s-x with her anyway after that.
i did the foggy bottom with that sk-nk last night.
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