the process of consuming heavy amounts of a variety of food for sport!
a foodathalon is when you and the other partic-p-nts order food from every restaurant around and eat till there is no more food!
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- food baby abortion
the act of p–ping after consuming a large amount of food that created a baby b-mp. i just ate so much chipotle i will be attending the clinic in my bathroom for my second food baby abortion today. people who have long-term food babies (people who are fat) have liposuction to remove some of this […]
- Foremotion
dryhumping ‘lets foremotion!’ (lets dryhump)
- butt cork
i hate to say it, but it’s just the thing on the end of a fly rod that covers the end, and is made of cork. you thought it was going be a h-ll of a lot juicier, didn’t you. this fly rod’s b-tt cork is so dried out i might as well pull it […]
- not rly
the opposite of “ya rly,” yet another possible response to “o rly?.” o rly? rly o rly? ya rly o rly? not rly an internet term mainly used on message boards that is subst-tuted for “not really.” star: are you hungry? bing: notrly meaning not really, used by people too slow to type whole words, […]
- fork
a utensil used for either eating or stabbing people with i ate that b-tch with my fork to bone; to screw; to have s-xual intercourse kacy and sam forked your mom last night to bang, screw, have intercourse. slang for f-ck and can be used in any similar fashion. “i forked three chicks last night!” […]