a fake -rg-sm, usually brought about by a long period of indifferent pounding and a desperate desire to sleep/eat/clean/do something else.
please watch the restaurant scene in when harry met sally. alternatively, link to my cam most weekends.
making -rg-smic sounds while eating delicious food
wtf, is someone having s-x behind that bookcase?” “no, i saw her shoving cake in her mouth and moaning– i think she’s having a f-rg-sm.
food + -rg-sm = f-rg-sm.
skillet potatoes, french toast and over easy eggs, omggg. just had a f-rg-sm.
when you get pins and needles in your foot and it feels as though your foot is having an -rg-sm. therefore, a foot -rg-sm..f-rg-sm.
“aaahhh i’m having a f-rg-sm!”
“stretch your leg so the blood circulation can work again then”
food that gives you an -rg-sm in your mouth
omg this apple pie is giving me such a f-rg-sm
the act of farting during an -rg-sm.
ewww. did you just f-rg-sm?
when the weather forecast calls for beautiful sunny weather after a long, depressing cold spell.
the f-rg-sm today is sunny with a high of 28 degrees celsius with a gentle breeze from the west.
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- Forqan
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- forrence
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