Forget-me-nots pretty and seems to be mosty blue but can be white or pink.can be annual or perennial plants. kingdom of hearts sally gives them to you for jack.’s also a song by patrice rushen.
(i did forget-me-nots cause when i look them up i got the most random things…and i don’t know why i look them up i just did…)
1.give me some foget-me-nots for valentine day.b-tch.
2. i don’t remember the quote so just play the game.
3.”sending you forget-me-nots, to help you to remember”
drugs that make you black out like xanax klonopin and valiums
dude he took a whole hand full of forget me nots then pounded liquor… hes not gonna remember a d-mn thing
like dirty sanchez, instead of sticking you finger in her r-ct-m an wiping it under her nose, you stick your finger in ones own r-ct-m and wipe it under her nose…
forget me not,like a dirty sanchez
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