
this is when you approach a standing, unsuspecting girl from behind and penetrate her -n-lly, lifting her off the ground.
craig saw her across the room and immediately charged in for a forklift.
start in a squatting position with a girl on your c-ck. lift her vertically, then run around the room and slowly lower her onto something, preferably near a bunch of boxes. pull out, and make beeping noises as you do so.
dude love injured ta jen in a horrendous forklift accident – he dropped her onto the boxes rather than beside them.
where a girls head is on your lap and you lift it up with a b-n-r while she is sleeping.
1.the man tucks his p-n-s behind his legs and steers himself in reverse into the womans mouth for oral s-x from the rear. -reverse truck sounds can be made for heavier set males-
–caution: failure to hit target perfectly could result is serious injury–

2. step 2 in the process of the foghorn.

see foghorn.
i forklifted that chick and she didn’t even see it comming.

i tried to forklift that chick, but she wouldn’t budge.

i fell down while attempting a forklift and was in the hospital for 3 weeks.
when you shove one hand into a girls v-g-n- and then the other hand in her -ss hole and then lifts her up
“i totally gave her a forklift this weekend…she wont be walking for a while.”
“yeah i saw her in a wheelchair today.”
a threatening move in which a person (most commonly a male) will attack another male by spreading his b-tt cheeks apart visciously. side effects may include -n-l discharge and bleeding.
stop pretending to throw that ball at me or else i’ll forklift you.
when a guy is mastibating two gurls at the same time.

girl a & girl b loved going down on there guy
the guy’s roommates mind was blown when he looked down from the balcony and saw
the two gurls ooral his roommate
while his roommate was “forklift” ing the gurls ♡
an aerial view of two gurls giving ooral while he “forklift’s” both of them looks like a ♡ heart shape
forklift skiing skiing for gurls female mastibation siriri queira

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