a large, bulbous crotch area on a male or female. a combination of the words fat and crotch (fat + crotch = fotch).
did you see the fotch on that woman? it was the size of a beanbag chair!
the piece of skin that lives between the the ball bag and the p–pchute. see grundle also makes a good swear word replaces f-ck
“breck is a fotch in need of a shocker” (charlie), or fotch im late
another word for an ugly face
oh my god did you see that fotch
1. a subst-tute for any word, especially for a swear word
2. a word frequented by coach funk.
1. you are such a fotching chong.
2. what the fotch is going on.
3. big pile of fotch.
slang for fire-crotch.
hey, i bet that redhead is a fotch.
1)female crotch…or just a crotch.
2)a slang term endorsed by teens in new roch-lle and yonkers meaning just a weird way of saying “face”
1)that b-tch has one sweeeeeeeet fotch
2)get your fotch over here!
the firry part between your corn shooter and the bottom of your meatbag
i scratched my fotch after having s-x with a hooker
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