fred phelps
the head of the westboro baptist church. an incredibly hateful man who runs and according to this incredible -sshole, the gi’s getting killed in iraq are g-d’s punishment for not persecuting h-m-s-xuals. his cult has picketted their funerals with signs like “g-d hates f-gs,” “america is doomed,” “thank g-d for dead troops,” “g-d blew up the troops,” “f-g soldiers in h-ll,” and “thank g-d for ieds.” he’s a horrible example of christianity and has a big surprise coming for him from g-d when he dies. he is linked to thechristian ident-ty movement, a white-supremacist organization posing as a church.
here are the people in h-ll, according to fred phelps.
matt sheppard
reggie white
ronald reagan
martin luther king
corretta scott king
mr rogers
all us casualties of the iraq war
the victims of the west virginia coal mine disaster
it should be noted that freddie had met several times with and praised the leadership of our best buddy saddam hussein.
charming middle american country gentleman who lives with his family in a nice big house/church and preaches hatred of gays, lesbians, bis-xuals, liberals, most of america and pretty much most of the planet. for some esoteric reason only his relatives want to stay in the church, and you have to be a member to marry a member, which keeps their straight teeth fluoridated and their fingers on their banjos. fred has at least one 69 session with satan every night, and hopes that if he does it well enough long enough he’ll get his soul back. ya gadda have faith.
that’s fred phelps. no liberals, no gays, not a shred of what the uninformed call basic human decency, just fred. yeeeeee-haaay boah!
this is fred phelps speaking. rumours that saddam hussein stole away my significant other are totally unfounded.
a pastor who has a hatred for h-m-s-xuals. he believes that terrorist attacks and other disasters are due to gays/lesbians. he’s really stupid and deserves to be thrown off a cliff, for sure.
wow, fred phelps is a big -sshole who preaches at my church every night!
a well known, devout christian who sincerly belives that george carlin(rip) is in h-ll.
“h-llo, i’m fred phelps, and i’m here to tell you that george carlin is in h-ll. it is irrelevant that george made many people laugh, and brought joy to their hearts, he is in h-ll because he toyed with the perposterous idea of god”
verb: to fred phelps; the act of farting during -n-l s-x, specifically by the person who’s -n-s is being used for the s-x.
not to be confused with the verb to phelps (finishing a joint or bowl in under a minute) it is derived from the name of notorious bigot and head of the westboro baptist church, fred phelps.
hey bro how’d your date with that dude go?
it was going well untill i started f-cking him in the -ss, he fred phelpsed all over my d-ck!
thatsucks man
a self-proclaimed “reverend” who is the patriarch of a family in inbred dolts who call themselves “the westboro baptist church.” they protest at funerals of gay people, solidiers, and celebrities, claiming that the decesed his rotting in h-ll, and was a “f-g”. their aim is to destroy the first amendment by taking it to such an ugly extreme, and to destroy people’s view of religeon/church/g-d/etc.
in 1929, fred phelps’ mom sodomized her brother (fred’s dad) with a strapon d-ld-. nine months later, he took a sh-t and forgot to flush, they named it “fred phelps”.
why dosn’t fred phelps hurry up and die. i’m anxious to protest at his funeral.
a conservative sh-t who hates the world, and especially gays.
from topeka kansas, basically shows up at funerals with hate signs.
did you see the news?
oh, yeah, just that fred phelps guy being a d-ck again.
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