Free Tibet
a phrase uttered by those completely ignorant of history. little does the speaker know that the dalai lama’s reign in tibet was plagued with slavery and abuse of his people, so long as they weren’t gelug tibetan buddhists (the dalai lama’s sect).
ignorant protester: free tibet!
intelligent man/woman: while chinese rule in tibet has been bad, it’s nothing compared to what jetsun jamphel ngaw-ng lobsang yeshe tenzin gyatso, the 14th dalai lama, did to tibet
ignorant protester: the government is messing with your hand man! you don’t know nothing dude!
1 more definition
an over used catchphrase especially in the west. see pop culture
im not pro china and its undeniable that china has a poor track record when it comes to human rights.
however, 99 out of 100 people ever used this catchphrase is either oblivious of the true situation in tibet, or refuses to acknowledge the fact that in other parts of the world, human rights abuse perpetrated by the american government is far worse. not forgetting the body count of course.
usage of this term is particularly popular with attention-hungry celebrities and teenage kids who cant even locate tibet on the map.
redneck :
those friggin ch-nks! president bush should liberate tibet the american way- by sending our kids over there and killing every single ch-nk! free tibet !
someone with brains :
lets not forget iraq, afghanistan and west bank. just because china does not have major interests in those places doesnt mean the people there dont deserve any international attention.
redneck :
screw them!
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