literally to take the “do” out of “freedom.” stephan colbert urged his audience on his show “the colbert report,” during the week of january 8th, to do even less about the war in iraq and the loss of rights at home. this term pertains to the low level of americans turning out to demonstrate against the war and loss of civil liberties.
“during 2006, as in the previous four years, american students continued to savor their freem from the safety of their couches.”
the word “freem” is an onomatopoeia describing the sound a lascannon makes when it fires. it was first used in the warhammer 40k themed webcomic turn signals on a land raider on february 12, 2004, as can be seen here:
the freem freem of the lascannons filled the air as the m-ssed enemy fell in droves on the battlefield.
word created by the colbert report. the word freem was used in the opening of the colbert report beginning on monday, january 8th. it’s predecessors were “lincolnish” and “superstantial”. the definition is not yet known. to see possible theories about the meaning, visit:
the word freem cannot be used in a sentance, except this one.
this word came from the evolution of beemer which denotes a bmw automobile. the slang we used at the time put an f on the front of slang words which evolved into freemer. its final evolution is freem which is pr-nounced as it is spelled.
wow, you must really be balling! you have a really shiny freem out there in the driveway
this word came from the evolution of beemer which denotes a bmw automobile. the slang we used at the time put an f on the front of slang words which evolved into freemer. its final evolution is freem which is pr-nounced as it is spelled.
wow, you must really be balling! you have a really shiny freem out there in the driveway
changed from “superstantial” on the opening credits of the colbert report. the last name of a patrol officer who captured a large animal which not only threatens america, but with the largest density of people per state, you do not want a bear in new jersey.
“in the baristanet blog (a regional blog for the montclair/glen ridge/bloomfield area of new jersey), it was reported that a black 150 pound black bear was caught in millburn, new jersey.
the officer who spotted the bear and helped to capture it?
patrolman alfred freem.”
tip of the hat to alfred freem!
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