Freshman Girl Syndrome
a chronological disorder developed by the majority of freshman girls, as they enter into high school.
young lady begins to ignore all of her old friends, and leaves them for her new and improved uppercl-ssmen amigos.
innocent little girls turn into sl-ts as they try to impress the older males that they are completely attracted too even if they are utter f-ggots.
when a freshman girl shows up to an uppercl-ssman party and gets booted.
what happens:
somewhere in every girls brain there is a part of them that strives to be older than they really are. over summer break before freshman year the nerves of high school is said to trigger this, and this part of the brain releases a toxic hormone, sending these young women’s thought process spiraling out of control.
what increases your risk:
over summer if a freshman girl hangs out with sl-tty, b-tchy girls, then it is more likely for this out of control syndrome to emerge.
when to call a doctor:
when you women has become an avid alcoholic, and meth addict.
fgs can result in:
social disasters
high school drop outs
drug addiction
extreme naiveness
loss of friends
unprotected s-x
teen pregnancy
in closing:
fgs is not a joke and should not be taken lightly. it is a real disorder. it is not laughing material. if you are a soon to be freshman girl reading this, i warn you, and wish for the best. protect yourself. stay gold.
“dude, who is that ridiculous looking young girl who is hanging with people that are way too old for her?”
“dude, shuttup she has freshman girl syndrome…your a d-ck.”
“oh sh-t i am so mean”
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