an insult (meaning freak/geek) from a chav or a slag who is unable to spell simple words.
chav: “u fkn gay friek, u b-m da teechrs!”
non-chav: “excuse my criticism, but if you would like to insult me, could you at least spell it correctly?”
a pop/rock band from vienna, austria, who deliberately decided on the incorrect spelling to make the word sound germanish and to make sure no one pr-nounces it in correct english.
see websites at and, as well as on facebook and mysp-ce.
one who is on a lower standard of speech and communication with the rest of the world.
noun: some one who totally does not know how to type.
<@{co}friek-out> who is gonna gfo grpahs fog r the game
<@ladytigah> friek.. here’s a thought. from now on, don’t come on irc till you’re sober enough to type. that, or stop faking, cuz it just makes you look bad.
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