an abreviation for f-cktard. can be used in mixed company without the offense of the word f-ck.
that guy is a f-cktard.
significantly delayed, possessing extremely subnormal intelligence, mental development, or common sense. whereas r-t-rded indicates a physical or medical cause for the cognitive delays, an f’tard is someone who lacks mental facilities or intelligence without any discernible medical reason.
that f’tard just drove away from the gas station with the gas pump still stuck in his car!
general insult used particularly when questioning one’s intelligence or competence.
man, quit being such an ftard and get in.
this new policy is ftarded
significantly delayed, possessing extremely subnormal intelligence, mental development, or common sense. whereas r-t-rded indicates a physical or medical cause for the cognitive delays, an f’tard is someone who lacks mental facilities or intelligence without any discernible medical reason.
don’t be such an f-tard, quit trying to drink gasoline!
an idiot, r-t-rd, someone of a stupid mind, with no commom sense.
ughhh! you f-tard!
a shorter way of saying “f-cking r-t-rd”.
bob is such and ftard!!!
you are really just calling them a f-cking r-t-rd but with abbreviations, thus making it less “offensive”
” i can’t believe he did that, what an f – tard!”
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