a fat ugly women who enjoys the presence of another v-g-n-.
ellen degeneres has dated many fugesbians.
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an expletive used in times of extreme stress, travial or inadvertant physical mutilation. for instance if one rode over one’s own foot with a wheelbarrow. or if one executed such a fierce putt that the putter completed a full arc and pounded the back of one’s head. “is that a dog chasing our chickens?” “yes […]
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a wight is a incorporal undead beeing that drains the essence of living beings to stay alive. wights are usualy controled by someone or thing of highter power such as a necromancer. watch out for the wight, or it will kill you olde nordic word meaning spirit. thor: “all wights come to me.” white as […]
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a person, place, or thing, that one is able to search for and find on wikipedia.com wikipedia is the biggest multilingual free-content encyclopedia on the internet. over 7 million articles in over 200 languages if you are doing research for a paper, see if your subject is wikiable.
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1.someone who looks like a ginger ( red hair freckle face) and who also looks like they have down-syndrome. making gindrom a compound word of ginger and syndrome. 2. one of female s-x who likes to have s-x with black people, start rumors, and lies to everyone and is very fake and manipulative. ( also […]
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1) any person who accepts everything posted on wikipedia as fact 2) especially any person who knows that anyone can post on there and still uses it as an attempted credible source 1) josh- yeah that’s totally true. i read it on wikipedia jane- wikidiot (bad example, but it works) 2) josh was such a […]