ugly–ss shoes worn by trendy white girls whilst they sip on their overly-complicated coffee from sh-tbucks.
i went into starbucks to order a plain coffee. the girl behind the counter asked “how do you do that”. i was dumbfounded until i noticed she was wearing fuggs!
a nicer way of saying f-ck, especially in front of children, parents, a boss, or anyone you would not normally want to swear in the presence of.
what the fugg is wrong with you?!
furry snow boots that are modeled after the orginal ugg boots. aka fake uggs!
look at those fuggs, they’re a horrible knock-off!
the same concept, style and looks of the original ugg boot, but not made with real animal fur or skin. some prefer these fake uggs to real uggs because of the lower price tag, while others, such as myself prefer these so called “fuggs” because they are not made from real sheepskin or fur, thus so making it possible for people to wear cozy boots, without having to wear an animal on their feet as well.
grace: are those fuggs? you mean you can’t afford real uggs?
stephanie: yeah, they’re fuggs, but i can afford the real uggs, i just love animals too much to wear them.
fake ugg boots.
“those aren’t real.”
“yeah, well my fuggs cost much less than your real uggs and look the same.”
fake uggs
i saw a girl wearing fuggs.
a fake version of uggs
stephinie got fuggs over the weekend…loser.
fake uggs.
contrary to popular belief, if someone’s wearing uggs/fuggs, it does not make them a sl-t/b-tch/wh-r-/loser/spoiled bratty conforming wannabe teenager/whatever else you’ve got as an insult, it means they like a pair of boots. what’s the big deal?
the advantages of fuggs
~unlike brand-name uggs, you are able to wear fuggs in the snow without completely destroying them, which is a huge advantage, especially if you’re canadian.
~they are surprisingly warm. again, great for canadian winters.
~they don’t cost a fortune. i’m sorry, i just can’t justify paying $300 for a pair of boots that i will knock the soles out of in a season.
~most of the better fuggs do last for a while. i’ve had mine for two years, even though i usually destroy a pair of boots in 5-6 months.
~they’re comfortable.
~you p-ss off lots of people when you wear them.
i don’t give a rat’s -ss how people think they look, i like them. it’s that simple.
idiot: zomgg ur wearing fuggs hahahahaha f-ggot
intelligent fugg-wearer: …shut the h-ll up.
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