fuhgettabout-t is a word that most italian-americans (usually from new york or boston) use to say “forget about it” or “don’t mention it”. i as an italian-american find myself slipping up and saying instead of “forget about it, that’s all right!” i say “fuhgettabout-t, that’s all right”! this can be used by people other than italian-americans, but it originated from our roots.
itsme: i forgot my homework!
chicagochick: that was brilliant.
itsme: can i get the answers?
chicagochick: fuhgettabout-t!
payupps: thank you so much!
snlluvvr: fuhgettabout-t!
can i go out with you?
fuhgettabout-t – most commonly used in new york.
used when someone is angry or showing signs of denial.
hey man, you think you could give me a lift?
ha! fuhgettabout-t pal.
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