Funemployment Radio
the portland, oregon based podcast hosted by greg nibler and sarah x. dillon. daily podcast on itunes, or topics range from daily life to “ball talk”
“hey did you catch the new episode of funemployment radio?”
-commence the b-tch slap-
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originally, “have you any eggs” (f.u.n.e.x.). now a meaningless word, used when the speaker doesn’t know what’s going on. funex? what the f-ck is funex?
- Fungasmic
1 so fun it’s -rg-smic 2 something that causes a fungasm 3 something so batsh-t awesome the seismic waves sent out by your reactional climax starts earthquakes in manchuria, killing thousands and precipitating the 3rd world war. shunned by your friends and rejected by your children, you fall into a deep depression, eventually committing suicide […]
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- Fun Times USA
in response by typically an american citizen to event or idea, which maybe fun. friend # 1: “dude, we should grab a box of keebler elves and watch who’s the boss!” friend #2 “fun times usa”