a super 1337 counter-strike player.
fyghter r0x y0.
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some sort of werebear which can transform between a human being and a bear or a grizzly. cited from the grimm’s fairy tales. – “d’ you see that creature over there? !” – “geez, what’s that? ” – “i think it’s a jagerbar! “
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a guy name brian, who likes playing musical instruments to get lots of girls duuudee!!! do you know that cool guy who goes by lesandwiches? d-mn he is a chick magnet with his guitar!
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1. often announced during a game of cr-ps at a casino. 2. adj. used to describe a woman’s legs as s-xy. rhymes with legs that go all the way up to heaven. 1. in a game of cr-ps; and it’s legs eleven! 2. whoa, kaye has legs eleven!
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