a group of stupid teenage chongas who live in the city of miami.
gasejas sleepover 2nite!
i’ll bring the diet sunkist biotch!
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- Gastrodon
the zebra pokemon. it uses moves like thunderbolt and air slash. it comes in 2 forms, west side(pink) and east(blue) side. east-side is known to be more gangsta and will f-ck your sh-t up. bill: yeah i just caught a gastrodon! -gastrodon m-ssacres bill- -gastrodon takes bill’s wallet- gg.
- gastro pong
a controversial s-x move in which a person inserts ping pong b-lls into their -n-s (gastro), and then shoots out said b-lls into the mouth of a willing partic-p-nt (pong). “i heard mike enjoys a good same of gastro pong. i wouldn’t share any drinks with him if i were you.”
- Gerson
use to describe a shady individual with esoteric knowledge and ninja reflexes. “yo, broski, you see that guy in dark blue over there?” “no.” “exactly, that’s a gerson.” when performing the act of a macmillan or an armstrong and becoming unable to remove yourself from the act. usually requires the help of a neighbour or […]
- Ghandi Speed
slow connection to your internet to the point that you lag you miss out on a whole conversation and sometimes lose your inner peace d-mn your computer is movin at ghandi speed!
- ghetto palace
a run-down house or building in the ghetto, neglected on the outside to avoid attracting attention, but redone like the ritz hotel on the inside. for rich people who don’t mind living in the ghetto. he drove his piece-of-sh-t car up to his ghetto palace, awaiting a relaxing game from his plush-leather recliner while sipping […]