talking to an unnecessary extent, usually in a derogatory manner.
“hey guys, stop gawking and help me.”
“they just sat there gawking the entire time.”
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somebody who turns there head looking directly at the police as they drive past and look at you….. sitting at the lights waiting to get the green a police car drives up behind you and you tell your friend and he turns his/her head to see like an idiot so u call them siren head
- spritey
energetic beyond odds; displaying or exhibiting unexpected or unconventional energy. usually in reference to an underestimated female; fiesty; not in reference to a clear effervescent coca-cola product. “do you think it’ll be an easy win?” larry asked, eyeing the race track. “i’m not too sure–number 14 is pretty spritey for a grandmother!” i didn’t expect […]
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