being on the same wavelength as someone, being mentally in-synch with someone, or working really well together.
my gf and i were just not gelling today. she wasn’t getting any of my jokes.
another word for masturbating
guy 1: hey dude, what were you just doing in there?
guy 2: ah, nothing. just gelling.
guy 1: i see. i might go do some gelling later too.
if you are -not- wearing doctor sholls extra soft insoles then you tell others you are “gellin'”
“im gellin”
“dude, your so not gellin’
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- sihvam
a f-ckin b-tch that thinks he’s cool but in a f-ckin dumb-ss motha f-ckin hoe who cant get sh-t from no one.f-ck u /´¯/) ,/¯ / / / /´¯/’ ‘/´¯¯·¸ /’/ / / /¨¨/¯\ (‘( ´ ´ ¯&;/’ ‘) \ ‘ / ‘\’ \ _.·´ \ ( \ \ shivam is a f-ckin pr-ck.
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