Gendo Ikari
one of the sickest anime characters ever. gendo kicks -ss without ever having to lift a finger.
“well done… sinji”
commander of nerv, a company backed by seele for the sole purpose of preventing the third impact by any means possible. father of shinji ikari, and husband of the late yui ikari.
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teleprompter of the president of the united states. an electronic device that tells president obama what to say. the president rarely speaks in public without the aid of this device, despite the widely held belief that he is highly intelligent and extremely articulate. what did tpotus have to say about the new unemployment numbers?
- TP the FB
tounge punch the fart box. similar to tounge jack the sh-t box. the act of inserting the tongue as deep as possible into the -n-s. “man she’s hot. i’d tp the fb.”
- Hate-Fest
verb or noun a term used to express dislike of a person to the point of hate. generally used for hating someone who is not worth wasting your time on. a lesser version of hate-campaign or hate-crusade. “g-d, that kid is so annoying.” “yeah, what a hate-fest.” or “hate-fest towards sarah.” “that b-tch’s going down.”
- Heath Barring
when one woman sucks repeatedly on another woman’s cl-toris for pleasure purposes. this one lesbian was heath barring the sh-t out of this other lesbian
- Hemolele
pure, innocent, etc. it is used as a name or nickname.