the act, or action of engaging in forced or unforced s-xual “relations” with a piece of land, terrain, or geographical feature on the earth.
e.i. making love to hole in a ground
e.i. having s-x with a tree
e.i. banging the side of a cliff
e.i. trying to make babies with a rock
– like b-st–lity, but with land instead of animals
– usually occurs during tree hugging events/hippy gatherings known as landpartys
person 1: “dude, did u see that hole in the ground, it turned me on…soo much. i just want to make love to it”
person 2:”dude, wtf, i never would have pegged you as one who engages in geogriality”
person 1:”u better believe it son, i’ve never been so hot n’ sweaty in my life! its so wrong, but it feels so right!”
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