getting over it

a torturous game made by a person known as bennet foddy.”getting over it” is a game where you climb a giant mountain with a hammer.this game was released on october or something on the humble monthly bundle on a random saves all your progress and your failures which is really f-cking annoying because when the controls are as sh-tty as the life support of a dead person it makes people rage like sum it all up if you want a game that makes you want to punch it in the nuts,kill yourself,get depression for the rest of your life times 1000 this is the game that you want to play or send to your enemies or something idk.(side effects may include lack of sleep,depression,heart attacks and a 90% guarantee that you will smash your computer and throw it out the window)
i would rather listen to b-ss boosted justin bieber voice cracks for 5 hours instead of finishing getting over it.

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