1. charecter on the old tv show “thundercats”
2. phrase used by pinky on tv show pinky and the brain
3. coolest phrase like…ever can be used for anything
1. gnarf! quick! we need your help
2. haha d’oh brain…gnarf
3. (online conversation)
me: hi
me: sup
you: nothing, u?
me: nothing
(three mins past)
me: gnarf!
n. – a high-five given in exchange for f-cking someone.
v. – giving someone a high-five in exchange for them f-cking someone.
guy 1: i just f-cked megan!
guy 2: dude gnarf! (high-five is exchanged)
guy 1: did you f-ck anyone?
guy 2: no….
guy 1: no gnarf for you (high-five is not exchanged)
a person who farts in the bathtub and bites the bubbles.
dream loves to gnarf when she takes a bath.
an idiot for jerk that you want to stay away from
bobby is such a gnarf! n-body wants to be around him.
from the movie lady in the water- a sea nymph.
story is a weird name, and she’s the queen gnarf
too ravenously ingest food at an alarming rate.
the very cold girl in my office gnarffed down her lunch in the hopes that her quick movement would generate body heat.
to suck on something (such as a p-n-s)
can be used in discreet situations, without offending anyone.
gnarf on my hawg (suck my d-ck)
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