Go buy it
“shut up” “screw you” “eat sh-t” “stupid” “jack-ss” “idiot” “moron” the phrase is used or can be used in lieu of a bad word or insult. the phrase can also be used in situations where you don’t want to directly insult someone but want to express a feeling of annoyance or discontent..
your sister asks to borrow your sweater. you know she will never return it. you simply respond with the phrase “go buy it.” meaning h-ll no!
someone comes up to you and tells you that you did a poor parking job…you can simply reply with the phrase “go buy it.” meaning f-off or f-you.
a co-worker is telling everyone in the office how he/she received the best overall evaluation score. you are annoyed at their tone of voice or insinuation that you aren’t as good. you can simply say “go buy it.”
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