good u

good… u?
mitch-ll: hey buck, what’s up?
bucky: good u?

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  • twaha

    nice and funny smiley and has a lot of attention. no boy would date her tho because she’s might be quiet brainy . twaha is smart

  • stupid megan

    means that megan is stupid and can’t clean her nickers and needs some self control your such a stupid megan

  • apple fingers

    one who spends enormous amounts of time texting and emailing on their iphone. look at apple fingers go to work on that cell phone. i’ll bet she’s nearly worn off her fingerprints.

  • vawks

    a combination of the words ‘very’ and ‘awks’ (short for awkward). you would use this term in a situation where someone is waving at you so you wave back but it turns out they’re waving to the person behind you for example. **laughs very loud when no one else is laughing** conscious: “that was vawks”

  • rice crispy cave

    there aren’t any definitions for rice crispy cave yet. can you define it?

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