1. the lord, your savior.
2. goofmaster is the one who will save us from the fightmasters.
3. nothing is better than goofmaster.
4. another term for goofmaster is nuka
“goofmaster is better than s-x.”
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- Pakeha male
mostly murderers and rapists. they like to rape and strangle swedish tourists. pay to have s-x with under-age boys and girls. they work during the day, and go home to f-ck their daughters who is kept under the house with her 12 children which have never seen daylight. they drink in pubs and drive home […]
- Goofy Granny Wagon
the worst type of granny wagon in the world. a sh-tty little red toilet on wheels driven by a hideous old gargoyle with teeth like green surfboards. sweet jesus! a gargoyle driving a toilet! oh sh-t, its the goofy granny wagon. p-ss off you foul dentist dodger!
- hoomahootchie
an item that doesn’t have an exact name, or something that’s name you can’t remember. similar to a thing-a-ma-jig, a whatcha-call-it, or a doo-hickey. the garbage disposal is stuck. go get that hoomahootchie from the junk drawer in the kitchen.
- Pakebusch
when someone who owns a car that is way to much for them to handle tries to perform a burn out,looses control and slams it into a curb. also refered to a pk for short man did you see that idiot just pakebusch’d the sh-t out that curb with his gto!
- Pakee
pah-kee noun. sing. or plur, verb, adverb, pr. participle, adj, prop- a gesture of intense meaning (one that often involves one slapping hir or her hands together in conjuntionwith the pr-nouncing of the word): typically, to specify violence or love. to, slap, hit, beat, hurt, abuse, afflickt, belt, blemish, lash, pinch, pummel, fornicate with, copulate […]