
verb – to use an internet search engine to research a topic, especially with the intent of getting something done quickly and easily. characterized by using the first five results, despite credits or presence of accurate information.

noun – the website, page, or entry from which the information was taken.

noun – slang term for the person one gets to research for them
yo man, i totally just googleb-tched that history project.

andy used wikipedia as his googleb-tch for a report on gregorian chant.

this essay is great! thanks googleb-tch
1) researcher of the lowest order; a person who uses google to accomplish most of their daily work, often a task performed for someone too busy, important or ignorant to run a google search themselves.

synonyms: knowledge worker, journalist, fact checker

2) low rent private detective

3) back-handed complement of the same
1) chief: clarke, i need the phone number of a postal worker in mr. rogers neighborhood, last name of mcfeeley.

clarke: i’m on it chief.

lois: clarke don’t you ever want to be more than just a google b-tch?

3) professor: what’s the name of that company in los angeles that does that thing with that enzyme?

grad student: uhh . . . riocatalytics.

professor: thanks google b-tch!
verb – to use an internet search engine to research a topic, especially with the intent of getting something done quickly and easily. characterized by using the first five results, despite credits or presence of accurate information.
yo man, i totally just googleb-tched that history project.
what you become when a friend/family member/co-worker calls you from the road and they don’t have internet access, and they want you to look something up for them.

especially appropriate if what they need is unimportant.
girl: “hey, can you see if there are any 7-11’s in lodi, ca? we wanna get slurpies.”

guy: “what do i look like, your google b-tch?!”
google b-tches are people who are dependent on google’s ever growing branding and product popularity.

a google b-tch tends to be affected by googles changes, problems and glitches.

you’re a google b-tch when google straight up owns you, man.
i stopped using msn and i’m now using google talk, i guess i’m becoming a google b-tch, increasing my level of dependency on their branding.
much like google corrects spelling or phrasing on the task-bar a google-b-tch corrects your grammar or facts
april: where’d you put that pencil at?
mich-lle: do you mean “where’d you put that pencil?”?
april: don’t be a google-b-tch
someone who uses google wayyyyy to f-cken much
man: hey you wanna check this for me
man2:sure just lemme get to google.
man:wait…you have google hotlinked to your desktop…googleb-tch

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