the sense of satisfaction or intense pleasure that is a direct result of spending the day with someone who is smart, witty, fun, interesting and incredibly s-xy; fufillment of the physical, social and intellectual desires of someone who adores you
synonymous with enjoyment, happiness, delight, and contentment.
being with you gives me a sense of amazing gratoddification.
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an exclaimation of sudden joy, and/or discovery. famously quoted by gandalf in the hobbit great elephants!” said gandalf, “you are not at all yourself this morning-you have never dusted the mantel- piece!
- Guiltgestion
a suggestion delivered in a manner that will make you feel so guilty you’ll have no choice but to take it. powerful recovery tool used by pajo. sponsor-“you should invite your parents to anniversary night so you can publicly thank them for putting up with you…just a suggestion ” sponsee-“wow, that’s like a guiltgestion.”
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another word for vigina she had a nice gutted possume. ew thats one smelly gutted possum.
- Guttery
it and adjective/describing word. meaning that your head is in the gutter. or meaning that when you said what you said your head was in the gutter. h: wow i’m excited! b: haha i can make you excited ;] h: lol that was very guttery.