greatness is an acquisition of status by the people who have contributed to an organization, group, or purpose that is greater than themselves. it is defined by the deeds of people that make this world a better place. to provide a purpose to those who have no purpose, and to sustain it, mitigate it from damage, and praise it in any way they can, while still maintaining their own dignity and greatness.
the greatness of man is apparent by its prosperity and conspiracy.
greatness the act of being great
“wow man thats like total greatness!”
wonderful; first-rate; very good
notable; remarkable; exceptionally outstanding
important; highly significant or consequential
of n-ble or lofty character
also see branden hoffman or anyone named branden!!
that is pure greatness
a person who is ‘great’ looking, very attractive
mmm, that person is greatness
a word invented by slark. a new word that mixes the word great with the word ness. it itself is greatness.
“andy these salt and vinegar chip sticks are greatness”
the one the only youngest world champ in history randy orton
randy orton is greatness you know it
greatness (as defined by the jumpman commercials)
only greatness equals greatness.
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no need to text back thank you!! i know you don’t have texting so nnttb!