Gregor wanna be
the ultimate f-ck boy and number one player, that f-cks everyone over
jamie harran is the number one gregor wanna be
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- Gupy
1. a midget 2. a small portion 1. that gupy can’t even ride the roller coaster. 2. he gave me a gupy size meal.
- hang-betweens
a colloquial, quaint sounding name for a man’s t-st-cl-s. dear, would you mind tr-mm-ng my hang-betweens for me? they’ve become exceptionally bushy and unkept.
- Have your head
idiom meaning to be in serious trouble. sometimes with the law. the boss is gonna have your head for not completing the monthly report that is due soon. the judge is going to have your head for not staying out of drug dealing.
- Hipatalist
exhippie turned capitalist pig he pretends like he cares about the environment and world peace but then he takes a job with halliburton, what a hipatalist
- hot dog willy
a hot dog w-lly is when you jerk a man off and when he’s about to c-m, you stuff a hot dog in his urethra while screaming: “w-lly!” john: “samantha gave me a hot dog w-lly last night, it felt amazing!”