being drug on the ground clinging to an appendage while trying to tackle someone.
being crushed, or ran over by someone while engaged in sports, particularly american football.
being thoroughly embarr-ssed or humiliated by an opposing team member while partic-p-ting in sports.
originated in a nfl preaseason game where new england patriots tight end rob gronkowski drug linebacker james laurinaitis 5 yards along the ground while he was holding onto his leg. the play resulted in a touchdown for the patriots and humiliation for the linebacker from ohio state university.
did you see that dude get gronked? wow that was awesome!
to through something down to the ground with great force, like football player rob gronkowski does after every touchdown.
after i finished by exam, i gronked my pencil in show of exuberance.
when one is about to make a comeback or is in the process of doing so and fails.
dude 1:yo i’m going to do so well on this test i have a “d” average and i need to bring it up……(gets an “f”)…… d-mnnnnn i gronked that sh-t.
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