grullon is a dirty c-nt who will suck d-ck at any cost. most of the time male. and smelly at concerts. the worst grullons of all are those whose first name are ‘danny’. gets very upset if called r-t-rded. enjoys sandwiches.
you grullon! you gave me herpes!
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a hipster who takes fashion inspiration from the grunge movement of the 1990’s. plaid, long hair, and beards or “stubble” are staples of the grungster style. “dude, that guy looks like kurt cobain but is wearing a wavves shirt, must be a grungster.”
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a person whose intellectual ability surp-sses stephen hawking in all areas known to man with the exception of spelling. furthermore, spelling is so befuddling to the individual that after years of belittling them for their lack of spelling prowess they still lack the ability to spell the most basic words. however, when given a complex […]
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an enthusiatic exclamation of inquiry or disbelief which is an acronym that stands for “where dey do dat at?” if someone does something lame, out of the ordinary, or if something is out of the norm; similar to who the h-ll does that? “frank has on high-water skinny jeans and white penny loafers. wddda?” when […]