when a girl doesn’t properly tweeze her eyebrows and they grow out all bushy (like something a guy would have).
see also – unibrow
“that chick is so ugly she’s got guybrows”
a male eyebrow that focuses on the lack of hair where it doesn’t belong, rather than a “pretty arch”.
an important distinction for a man trying to get rid of his unibrow, but doesn’t want to look like halle barre.
i want guybrows, don’t get too crazy with the wax.
eyebrows of a man that are very well groomed but not femine.
man, he has really nice guybrows.
the tuft of pubic hair located directly above a man’s p-n-s.
“i must warn you, i’m rather hirsute in the nether regions. some have compared my guybrow to that of actor eugene levy.”
the thick, manly, “guy” eyebrows a woman gets when she stops tr-mm-ng them.
“did you see the guybrows on that chick?”
“yeah, for a second there i thought that was a dude!”
women with eyebrows that are either thick, unkept or need to be maintained becuase they look more like eyebrows found on a male…
wow, check out the guybrows on that one, she could have been one of the marx brothers.
very bushy eyebrows that you would only see on men
woah check out that guy down there…look at his guybrows
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