a hot, s-xy, smart, seductive, bootylicious someone. often mispr-nounced as gee-ohm-bee when in fact, it is pr-nounced kee-ohm-bee.
i’m feelin a little gyeombi today!” “you’re right, you look d-mn hott!
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- necky
to place a rat in a cup (preferably a coffee mug) and then to p-ss in the cup and watch the rat squirm and drown in your p-ss. steve: holy sh-t u gotta rat in ur house tony: where’s tht son of a b-tch. im gonna give him the worst necky hes ever imagined. steve: […]
- sass account
a account on social media that posts anything. there is no theme to there account and most s-sses rant about there life on it. most of the time they let no one from real life follow them. (most s-ss accounts are on instagram) someone from real life: “i saw your s-ss account on instagram! let […]
- Scazy
something or someone that is some combination of scary and crazy at the same time. they may be so crazy its scary, or so scary its crazy, or even an even mixture of both! dude 1- i heard katy and forrest are pretty scazy? dude 2 – h-ll yeah! katy and forrest are the scaziest […]
- lwp
laughing with p-ssion. an alternative to straining your fingers typing ‘hahahahahahahahahahaha’ after hearing something incredibly funny. bob: i have little b-lls. stupid person: hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! bob: i have little b-lls. smart person: lwp!
laughing way to f-ckn loud omg that sh-t is so funny u got me lwtfl