1. abbreviation for hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy.
2. a bbc community website in which its members are producing an online encyclopaedia of life, the universe and everything.
i am writing an entry for h2g2.
an abreviation of the popular sci-fi comedy radio, book or television series or feature film hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy, written by british script-writer-turned-author,douglas adams. popular on internet forums as it is shorter and quicker to type than the rather ungainly hhgttg.
see hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy for more info.
hoopy frood a: omg, i just love h2g2!
hoopy frood b: i know! i’d like to s-ss that frood, dougl-ss adams.
clueless user a: wtf is h2g2?
hoopy frood a: just ignore him, he has no idea where his towel is…
an abrivation of the name of the book “the hitchhicker’s guide to the galexy.”
1. i’m reading h2g2.
2. i love h2g2
the best website in the world, ever.
man, that site’s almost as good as h2g2!
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