the most amazing person you will probably ever meet. really good at dancing, funny, too s-xy to even comprehend, just as smart as she is beautiful. pretty pro-active with anything cool and helpful. if you don’t already know a hala you should probably try and met one.
duffy: yo i meet this girl hala the other day.
mowgli: where too?
duffy: at this s-xy dance, human rights thing.
mowgli: sweet
a beautiful girl who doesn’t know that she’s beautiful, and even insists on denying it. beautiful here doesn’t refer to her physical appearance; she may be incredibly s-xy but her heart is her true treasure. she’s soft and tender like the inside of a rose, she’s reserved and closed like its outside. on the outside a rose’s color is faded, on the inside it is the most beautiful and p-ssionate color of red seen by man. her thorns stubbornly draw blood to resist human touch and they succeed at keeping people away. she doesn’t let her guard down easily because she refuses to show glimpses of her vulnerable beauty to those who don’t deserve it. don’t let her innocent smile fool you, it hides the deepest secrets. don’t let her sweet eyes fool you, they’re fearless. if you are worthy, she alone will let you inside her heart. if you are worthy, she will love you like no other, and you will heal.
person 1: maaan i thought she was into me but it turns out she’s not. i can’t figure her out. she confuses me.
person 2: she’s hala, what do you expect?
a word spoken to congratulate a persons stupidity.
what’s the capital of france?
a god like creature, known for great s-x and success.
i wish i was like halas
a filipino expression of dread. can mean “oh no!”
can also be used in shock or surprise, often with something negative or astounding.
“hala, nasira yung tv!”
meaning “oh no, the tv’s broken!”
“hala! umuulan na!”
meaning “oh! it’s raining!”
a word in arabic, that is also used in hebrew and some other semitic languages, meaning “stop it” or “enough”.
ahmed: dad, how long ’til we get there?
abu-ahmed: halas with your questions! be quiet now.
hala means hi in arabic
hala whoever is reading this.how are you?
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