Hamilton Tourettes
a neurological disease that affects just one in 6.2 million persons worldwide, commonly characterized by random facts and figures being needlessly shared with unsuspecting p-ssers by, about hamilton, ontario, canada – possibly canada’s ugliest city. generally those unaffected by this syndrome are unaware of its existence, yet the compulsion involved with this disease is overwhelming. often times those affected by this disorder are unaware of its existence, and the negative effects of this are felt more so by the diseased individual’s co-workers.
setting: sterile office environment. worker a says, “hey, has anybody seen deborah?” and worker b says, “oh, yeah. she’s in the kitchen telling some arbitrary story about hamilton…i don’t know how she does it, but every story involves hamilton somehow. i think she may be a witch.” worker a responds, “oh no, she’s just got hamilton tourettes.”
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