a person who is lame, not cool, and possibly super gay.
my brother stepan is a handoos on the couch.
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- Hang a Louie
take a left turn. hang a louie on 16th st. until you get to the second red light, and you’re at my house. to turn left. used with ralph and dave; left; right; and straight ahead. named for david ralph lewis who in the mid 60’s in duluth minnesota stole many cars for joyriding and […]
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any drapes that you hang over your window to block out all light. also called s-x-for-certain-curtains. that creep next door always has his lights off. no, he just has rape drapes.
- Rape Eye
word used to describe the look a man (or woman) gives when viewing any person they find s-xually attractive (and who may or may not be under-age) and hence, would like to get inside of. woah dude, check out collin’s rape eye! he’s checkin out that jailbait in the corner! when someone is usually intoxicated […]
- hawian pineapple shake
when a girl dances half-naked in a circle, almost “hawian like” and the guy skeets on her chest. then she licks it up and spits it into a cup. dingo- omg! i tried to give jen a hawian pineapple shake and she kicked me in my goodies!! seth- hah, she gave me one last week. […]