hang dangers
the t-ts of a woman, usually at the age of 40 or older that sag to the point that they drag along the ground. usually they require the use of the infamous “over the shoulder boulder holders”. they can also be referred to as fried eggs hanging from a nail. usually un-ssuming and appear large and appealing when clothed but when unleashed they’re given away by the cl-ssic double thump or ” thump thump!” approach any suspect hang dangers with caution, unless you’re into that kinda stuff.
dude, joey’s mom has a nice rack!
-friend- yeah, but they’re freakin hang dangers man! i totally caught her getting out of the shower and i swear to g-d she almost tripped over them.
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- hang pink
when a woman pees without sitting down on the seat. in a mall bathroom: sophie: eww, this seat looks germy lauren: just hover & hang pink
- hapgry
being happy and angry at the same time, ie having mixed emotions. i got a job, but my friend is spreading false rumors about me i am happy and angry the same time, d-mn i must be hapgry
- Happy Pablo
when having s-x, you pull out and c-m in a neat line ready for her to snort and ingest your steaming hot j-zz in a pablo escobar fashion. “quick, clear your p-ssage, time for happy pablo!!”
- Harry SB
a ‘harry sb’ is the act of using a girl in a s-xual way or leading them on to get something from them e.g. an invitation to a party. guys, did you hear about john? he pulled a harry sb to go to clare’s party.
head f-ckboi in charge oh, that guy, he’s hfic of his frat 1 more definition “head f-ggot in charge” – used as a t-tle. a takeoff of hnic. oh, you want to talk to the h.f.i.c.- he’s the one that makes all the decisions.