har har
a sarcastic, yet respectful laugh most notably used over the internet.
har har…
a more hillbilly-like version of haha. often used by people sarcastically laughing or by people who don’t know how to properly speak english.
see also: lol and lmao.
noun. a suit-clad professional (business-type) a.k.a, a “suit”; smacks a bit negatively but isn’t necessarily so. derived from the “har-har-har!” sound they make as they clap each other on their backs often in greeting or in mid-conversation.
i could barely hear what you were saying to me last night at the restaurant because the tableful of harhars next to us were so loud clapping each other on the back and har-haring away at each other’s jokes.
a ferocious poisonous fish dwelling in the floods of penal or toilet bowls of other areas. this fish is not known to survive in anything other than the flood waters of penal or toilet bowls/latrines. it has a ferocious appetiite and a tendancy to take similar characteristics of well known animals e.g the great white har-har, anacondhar-har and the notorious red howler har-har
sorry for being late..i was attacked by an electric har-har
don’t go in that water there are har-har in there
you will die if you get stung by the australian box har-har of penal
a har har is normally a person called isla, she is reading this right now because her friends have been calling her a har har. isla a har har is something that you will never know, but don’t stress it is nothing bad, don’t get grey hairs over it. your friends are just tricking you, but just letting you know that it does mean something and you cant find it on the internet or in a dictionary you will never. har har out isla d lots of love you fellow cl-ssmates
isla is a har har
a comedic way to say haha most likely only people like kevin ton would use this see tono. but inevidebitely it’s a very slow trend and only few people hop on this bandwagon.
tono: harhar i am so owning these nubs..!
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