an absolutly stunning girl with the biggest heart in the world, she pretends everything is okay in her life when its not and is so kind and loving towards everyone, she sthe most important girl in the world and people don’t know what they would do without her in there lives, she’s beatiful and sucha joker, i love harrie <3 ohh i wish i was more like harrie 🙁 also known as s-xy; hot pants; lover; darling; beautiful; gorgeous; s-x bomb; s-xy pants; babe; sweet heart; swetie; and my harrie. this girl is the greatest, most loving and beautiful girl in the world. she is a special kind of girl - one that you cannot live without and that is loved by everyone:) if you have a harrie then you are the luckiest person in the whole world. she is very s-xual and can turn you in by just looking your way. she is a s-x god. she uses her s-x powers in me all the time. if she ever offers you her heart, be sure to never turn it down... because if somebody said that she was 'one in a trillion' it would be a huge understatement:) she is mine, forever. and i love her. plus! - i bet you any money that she will give you perfect and happy children! plus plus! - she is an amazing kisser! guy 1: hey, who's that?! guy 2: that, guy 1, is my harrie guy 1: oohhh.... now i'm jealous.... awesome chick with super trekking skills, lacks in confidence but she seems to make it through :d x dude one: woah did you see that girl go? dude two: i know what a harrie!!!
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